7 Essential Tips for Choosing Heavy Duty Labels | Industrial & Commercial Labels

Group of Heavy Duty label products

Choosing the Right Heavy-Duty Labels: Essential Tips and Advice for Industrial and Commercial Applications

Need labels that are durable, tough, and even waterproof for your commercial or personal needs?

Whether you own a small business or are in an industrial environment, simply organising things in your home, Avery has the best solutions for your toughest labelling needs.

Avery Heavy-Duty Labels have been designed with Premium materials and have been engineered to withstand the toughest environments to endure and impress.

No matter which shape or size you choose, heavy-duty adhesive labels are more durable, water and heat-resistant than standard and premium matt choices – though these still have a place in corporate settings.

In this article, we look at a number of essential tips you and your company should consider when selecting a heavy-duty label brand.

Paper Labels vs Avery Heavy Duty Labels

What are Avery Heavy-Duty Labels?

Avery’s Heavy-Duty Labels have been developed to withstand applications where a standard label is not fit for purpose.

These labels come in various shapes and sizes to fit various needs, including barcodes for library books or QR codes to access menus at a café.  

Some labels specialise in specific types of environments – one type of heavy-duty label might be more water-resistant than others, for example.

These labels are commonplace in the automotive, electric, and construction sectors. They are also popular with businesses where products require extra care, such as candles or even keeping your gifts safe and secure. There are several key factors to consider before selecting your weather-resistant labels.

Waterproof Heavy Duty Label

The Superior Quality of Heavy-Duty Labels

Here are the main hallmarks of a high-quality heavy-duty label:

Durability: Tough labels can withstand any type of work, including those in harsh environments where exposure to heat and moisture are regular occurrences. Avery heavy duty labels have an extra layer of plastic film for increased strength and durability.

Longevity: Along similar lines, heavy-duty labels last longer than regular labels, regardless of the hazards they encounter. This means employees will need to replace them far less frequently.

Adhesive Strength: The labels stick to surfaces easily and external environmental factors cannot affect them – this is particularly useful in fields where the labels may attach to grimy, rough surfaces. Avery’s range of Heavy-Duty labels can adhere to a variety of materials such as metal, wood (pallets), glass and plastic.

Legibility: Due to the excellent printing quality and the superiority of the materials, the Avery Heavy-Duty Label range does not deform and ensures that barcodes and QR codes can be scanned easily.

Customisation: Avery allows you to customise the label to suit your exact needs, with options for font, shape, size, and colour; variable printing may also form a part of this process.

Heavy Duty Waterproof label on a beauty product

Real World Applications

Sectors that utilise machinery, including manufacturing, construction, and warehousing – may label these machines to display a safety warning for staff members.

Under these extreme settings, it is imperative that the labels they use must be are durable.

Healthcare facilities may also use barcoded, chemical-resistant labels to track their current medical equipment.

Freezer-safe labels are important for businesses that handle cold food; this ensures product labels remain secure and legible even in cold temperatures.

Product labelling specifying ingredients can help people with specific dietary requirements identify ingredients and calories.

The automotive sector also uses labels to identify the full range of components that make up each vehicle. This usually involves high-temperature labels that can stick to a car, no matter how much it heats up.

The logistics industry is another that must use heavy-duty industrial-grade labels, especially as items sustain wear and tear throughout the supply chain.

Small businesses that manufacture or sell products require labels that can withstand the wear and tear of the supply chain, storage, and handling.

Heavy Duty waterproof label on a candle

Heavy-duty labels ensure that your product labels remain intact and legible, even when exposed to harsh conditions such as moisture, extreme temperatures, and rough handling.

Efficient inventory management is crucial for small businesses.

Heavy-duty labels with barcodes or QR codes enable accurate product tracking and identification, making it easier to control stock levels, expedite processes, and eliminate errors.

Heavy-duty labels offer customisation options that allow small businesses to showcase their brand identity.

By choosing the right font, shape, size, and colour, you can create labels that align with your brand's visual identity, enhancing brand recognition and professionalism.

On top of this, virtually any outdoor setting benefits from waterproof labels, for bath products or heatproof labels for candles which require labels to remain legible after exposure to water and essential oils.

With the versatility and durability of heavy-duty labels, small businesses can benefit from their wide range of applications and ensure that their labelling needs are met in even the harshest environments.

Heavy Duty Label on a bottle being wiped clean

How to Choose the Right Heavy-Duty Labels

There are four main factors to consider when choosing which heavy-duty labels to use.

First and foremost, understand what your labelling needs are and whether the label is fit for purpose, as certain industries may have specific label requirements in terms of resistance and durability; a labelling firm can typically help you figure this out.

These needs might take the form of specific sector-wide regulations that your organisation must abide by to make sure everyone working at your company can stay safe.

Another factor is the labels’ adhesive strength, especially if you work in an environment where they struggle to stick to surfaces.

The construction of an Avery heavy duty label ensures the labels adhere to a variety of substrates such as metal, wood (pallets), glass and plastic.

They have an extra layer of plastic film for increased strength and durability.

The materials must also be fully compatible with your industry; polyester tear-resistant labels might be the wrong choice if your work involves temperatures below -40°C or above 150°C, for example.

Finally, they should offer robust customisation options; Avery’s WePrint service allows customers to design their heavy-duty chemical-resistant labels from scratch.

Heavy Duty ID label on a projector

Best Practices for Label Application and Maintenance

  • Proper surface preparation: While heavy-duty labels excel in any environment, it helps to make sure surfaces are flat and dry before applying the label – this helps it last even longer.
  • General label maintenance: Regularly checking your label equipment and even the already-placed labels can show you if there are any that need replacing or are starting to degrade.
  • Replacing when necessary: If there are labels that are becoming illegible over time due to intense conditions, it’s vital that you replace them so there is no risk of someone misreading.
  • Meeting safety standards: Your labels (and your use of them) must meet industry-wide standards, which are different for every sector and usually help ensure a strong level of safety. 
Man using Avery Design & Print online to create and print a warning label

Unlock the Power of Heavy-Duty Labels for Uncompromising Durability and Performance

Avery’s durable labels come in two main forms, including blank DIY options you can affix your own designs to, and bespoke ready-made labels.

No matter your choice, these high-performance labels are freezer safe as well as heat, chemical, oil, and dirt-resistant.

Our long-lasting labels can match your industry’s specific needs and regulations, letting you enjoy the excellent quality of Avery’s premium options.

To learn more about our quality labels and customisation WePrint service, feel free to Contact the Avery team, or have a look at our reviews for peace of mind.

Product Range


Ideal for signage and identification

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