These Name Badges Need No Further Introduction

A group of people have gathered together for the first time. They don't know each other well, if at all. What’s missing from this picture? Using name tags or name badges can make it easier for people who are not familiar with each other to interact and open up. It’s a simple way to make meetings a little friendlier, and helps encourage people to get to know each other.

Picture it: at a party, or at a conference, our name tags come in handy!

Avery Fabric Name Badges, perfect for conferencing.
Avery Name Badge Labels

Avery Name Badges attach easily to lapels, pockets and belts. You can print names in large, bold type so they're easy to read, and include a company logo if you wish. You may want to include additional information in smaller type beneath the name, such as the person’s company, job title or location to help spark conversation. It’s easy to use Design & Print Online to create your own custom-printed name badges.

Avery Fabric Name Badge Labels are made from flexible acetate silk and stick and remove quickly and easily. There’s no need to insert a label in a plastic tag – just print and stick! Plus, the special silk ensures it can be used on most textiles and removed without leaving residue. They are great for parties and events pin name badges just won't do the trick!

Delegate Cards Avery

Other ways to help break the ice:

  • Arrange seating assignments to encourage people to interact with others they may not work with often. Use Avery Delegate Cards to designate seating assignments. At large meetings, help new people get a warm welcome.
  • Place Avery Red Stickers on name badges to identify new people. Encourage others to look for the red dots and introduce themselves.

Say “hello” to Avery Name Badges – and say goodbye to awkward social encounters.

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