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Desktop Filing Starter Pack

  • Pack contains 1 x desktop file rack (40465), 10 x shelf lateral files (46503), 1 x sheet of file title labels (45202)
  • The file rack is economical in size, easy to move around and great for use on the desk, on cabinets and shelves
  • The file rack features a lip at the front to allow you to sit it flush against the desk or on a shelf
  • The shelf lateral files are made from extra heavy weight manilla board with a reinforced colour side tab for labelling
  • File rack can be used with a variety of file types and sizes

When you need to get your files more organised there's an easy solution with an Avery Desktop Filing Pack. The desktop file pack includes a filing rack, files and labels to get you started. You can identify, organise and store those frequently accessed files on your desk or on top of a shelf without taking up too much space. It's a great alternative to suspension files, and the portable desk rack allows you to store up to 15 files at any time.

FREE Avery Filepro software is available at

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